This morning I put on a fresh shirt and pants and made sure my shoes were polished even though the University of Limerick, where I lecture half the week, requires us to work remotely from home during this COVID-19 pandemic. I had planned to get up as usual at 7.15am but gave myself a lie-in until 8.10am because I don't have a commute to my study downstairs. At my desk at 9am (good start). The fresh shirt was important though - reminded me to be in work mode and it kept the mental "fugue" away.
Yesterday (St Patrick's Day) myself and my family "social distanced" in our car cocoon to Spanish Point where we walked in sheets of rain along the deserted beach, soaking up the charge that comes from the mad rush of ocean air. Later last night one of the family set us up to connect online with the monks of Taize who, during the pandemic, have a taize hymn and prayer service at 7.30pm for 30 mins. It is a great way of feeling connected with hope and with other people in Europe and beyond. .
